Character Creation stats

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the Ultimate Dungeons & Dragons NPC Generator

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Baldur's Gate 3 NPCs shown in two rows of six characters each.

10 Hours into Baldur’s Gate 3 and You’re Still Making Your First Character

The long and the short of it is that when opening Baldur’s Gate 3 for the first time some people will click randomize and move on with their lives when making a character. Others may spend more time on that screen alone, than the entire playthrough of the game. I fall in the middle somewhere.

As a long time Dungeon Master though this game SCREAMS at me that it is HeroForge on steroids! There is nothing stopping me from taking the time and effort to build out the NPC that I want to show my party at the table. Are there limitations? Sure. That said, if there is an important NPC that I want the party to interact with several times having a truly epic version of the NPC at the ready is only a few clicks away.

The other option is to simply hit random when the group enters a shop in town and now you have an NPC at the ready. A drow rogue, a half-orc cleric, a dwarven barbarian are all a couple clicks away.

Character Creation stats
Click for more Baldur’s Gate 3 stats

Even Easier Than Making Is Taking

I get it, all of this may sound like a royal pain in the ass, but fear not there is a much easier way. Just whole sale pick up the NPCs you find along the way, and use them. Tweak a little here and there, or do nothing but drop them into your next session. Will some of your players recognize them? Sure. Does that matter? Who knows, but at the end of the day its one of the absolute best way to build out your arsenal of NPCs to have when you need them.

Go forth and make or take some of the best NPCs that have been put out in some time!

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