Fortnite's Rating Update: Cosmetic Gating Rolled Back in v28.00 Update / PowerUp Gamer

Fortnite’s Rating Update: Cosmetic Gating Rolled Back in v28.00 Update

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Fortnite, the ever-evolving battle royale game, is once again making headlines with its latest decision regarding cosmetic gating. In a recent tweet, Fortnite announced significant changes coming with the v28.00 update, responding directly to player feedback.

The tweet stated, “We hear your feedback & are back with more info ❤️‍🩹 Until we have our long-term solution, cosmetic gating will be off for the majority of cosmetics, starting with the v28.00 update.” This move comes as a direct response to the community’s reaction to the previously announced ratings update, which we covered in our earlier article Fortnite’s New Plan: Tweaking Cosmetics in Response to Ratings Update.

Fortnite’s initial plan to integrate cosmetics with the new age-appropriate ratings faced some pushback from the player base. The latest update seems to be an interim solution, allowing players to use the majority of cosmetics without restrictions until a more permanent plan is in place.

Furthermore, the tweet teased an exciting development for the game’s next major in-game event, stating, “And you can use any cosmetic at our next big in-game event.” This announcement has sparked curiosity and excitement among players, as it suggests an inclusive and celebratory approach to the upcoming event.

Fortnite’s decision to roll back cosmetic gating, at least temporarily, indicates the company’s love for its community. This move not only addresses immediate concerns but also buys time for the developers to formulate a more acceptable long-term strategy. It’s a clear demonstration of Epic Games’ commitment to maintaining a positive and responsive relationship with its player base.

Fortnite's Rating Update: Cosmetic Gating Rolled Back in v28.00 Update / PowerUp Gamer

As Fortnite continues to navigate the complex waters of game ratings and player satisfaction, this latest update is a testament to the game’s dynamic nature and its ability to adapt quickly. The upcoming in-game event, coupled with the lifted restrictions on cosmetics, is set to be a significant moment for the Fortnite community. Stay tuned for more updates, and for an in-depth look at the v28.00 update and its implications, visit

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