Dungeons & Dragons: Spelljammer: Memory's Wake

Buckle Up, Space Pirates! Spelljammer: Memory’s Wake Sets Sail!

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Calling all adventurers, swashbucklers, and anyone who’s ever dreamt of soaring through the Astral Sea on a spelljammer ship! Get ready to blast off with Spelljammer: Memory’s Wake, the brand-new D&D novel hitting shelves this June!

Dungeons & Dragons: Spelljammer: Memory's Wake

First Mate the Author: Django Wexler, a genre-hopping legend who’s written both fantasy novels and Magic: The Gathering stories, is at the helm of this exciting adventure. He’s a lifelong Spelljammer fan, and you can feel his passion in every paragraph!

The Gist: Axia, our amnesia-stricken heroine, gets whisked away from her quiet asteroid life by space pirates! Turns out, she’s a dead ringer for a legendary pirate queen, and these rogues have a map to her hidden treasure. Talk about thrusters to maximum, am I right?

What Awaits: Prepare for mind-bending space battles, thrilling chases through asteroid fields, and encounters with all sorts of fantastical creatures, from giff traders to oozy plasmoids (see the epic cover art!). This ain’t your grandma’s Spelljammer – it’s packed with action and mystery.

But Wait, There’s More: This novel is just the tip of the iceberg! The Spelljammer setting is back in a big way, with a whole new D&D campaign setting and adventures on the horizon. Are we about to see a resurgence of spacefaring RPG goodness?

So tell us, fellow Spelljammer adventurers:

  • What are your most epic Spelljammer memories (if you have any)?
  • Are you excited to set sail with Axia and her motley crew?
  • What kind of creatures and adventures do you hope to see in the new Spelljammer setting?

Let’s chat in the comments and get hyped for this cosmic odyssey! Remember, the only constant in Wildspace is change, so buckle up and prepare for a wild ride!

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