5 Tips You Need For Baldur's Gate 3 / PowerUp Gamer

5 Tips You Need For Baldur’s Gate 3

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Build For Fun NOT Function

You can min max your build to the extreme, but at the end of the day dice tell stories and you can always roll a 1 when you don’t want to. In the end the race and class combo that speaks to you most should be what you make. You are going to be staring at and playing this character for hours and hours so make sure its the character build that speaks to you most.

5 Tips You Need For Baldur's Gate 3 / PowerUp Gamer

Save Early, Save Often

The auto save feature is great, but I will admit it is not nearly as frequent as I would have thought or hoped. Since dice tell stories, they may tell a story you don’t like, so if you think some deciding point may come up soon, hit that button like its going out of style. Make multiple save points, and label them well!

5 Tips You Need For Baldur's Gate 3 / PowerUp Gamer

Hold ALT to Alter the World

Not only will this make the obvious items easier to interact with it will show the ones you may have missed. This is also a great way to see some of the alchemical ingredients that are tucked away as you adventure. Lastly, this will also highlight in red when interacting won’t be seen in the best light.

5 Tips You Need For Baldur's Gate 3 / PowerUp Gamer

Environmental Hazards

One of the best options for your bonus action is to implement the power of the yeet! If an enemy is near a cliff and your strength/athletics is high enough then falling damage and having them spend their turn getting back to you can drastically change a battle. Not only that but check to see if there is something you can destroy to get the edge in battle as well.

5 Tips You Need For Baldur's Gate 3 / PowerUp Gamer

Party Time!

The rest of your party could unlock other different dialogue options based on their race and class options, so feel free to leverage the previous saves to try out the options. Also, there may be a party member who will have a better chance to successfully roll based on their stats and skills.

These are 5 tips and tricks, but there are countless more. Let us know which have helped you the most!

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