NASA The Lost Universe

NASA Blasts Off into D&D: Science and Dragons Unite!

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Calling all space cadets and dungeon delvers! Buckle up, because NASA just launched an epic quest that’s both nerdy and educational – a Dungeons & Dragons adventure!

Yep, you read that right. The folks at NASA, with all their rockets and telescopes, have created a full-fledged D&D adventure called “The Lost Universe.” This 44-page odyssey blends fantasy tropes with real-world science, taking you on a mission to a rogue planet flung out of orbit by a black hole!

Here’s the mind-blowing part: the inhabitants of this planet use magic (powered by dark energy, no less!) to survive the harsh environment. And guess who gets teleported there through a mysterious portal? You, a team of crack NASA scientists from Earth!

NASA The Lost Universe Map of Aldastron

But there’s a twist! A dastardly dragon has snagged the Hubble Telescope from our timeline. Talk about a setback for science! This adventure cleverly weaves in the importance of NASA’s work, showing how the Hubble has revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos.

This isn’t just about rolling dice and slaying goblins (though there might be some of that too!). “The Lost Universe” is designed to be system-neutral, so you can use it with your favorite tabletop RPG. Still, it seems heavily inspired by D&D 5e, with classic fantasy races like elves and halflings roaming the planet. The big bad? A young green dragon, of course!

This adventure is perfect for a party of 4-7 characters, ideally between 7th and 10th level. It was masterminded by NASA’s own Christina Mitchell, and it leaves us wondering – is this the start of a beautiful trend? Imagine a full-blown, science-powered D&D campaign set in the cosmos!

NASA The Lost Universe Thoughts

So, what do you think? Are you ready to combine your love of gaming with a healthy dose of space exploration? Let’s discuss! Should NASA stick to rockets, or are they onto something epic with tabletop adventures? Sound off in the comments! ⚔️✨

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